My day started out fine. I did a little, and I do mean LITTLE, work in the office, made my list of where I needed to go, got my deposit ready, grabbed my stuff to take to good will, Kohls, My Sister in Love's (SIL)and headed to pick up material for our customer. This was going to be a busy busy day.
I hit Starbucks on the way into town, hit goodwill and made it to pick up material. I was running a little later then I had hoped but the Starbucks by my house is SO SLOW! I swear I watched dude fill up the coffee grinder with beans, grind coffee and deliver coffee to inside customers and sweep etc while I was sitting at the window waiting for my simple little cup of Hot Chocolate. After atleast 7 minutes he finally brought me my drink and said "Sorry for the wait" WHATEVER! (Sorry had to rant).
Anyway, old friendly chattie guy at the parts place finally gets my Trailblazer loaded with material for 2 jobs/2 customers (bonus delivery) and I'm ready to go. I get in and start my car and throw it in reverse and it doesn't move. What the Heck!?!?! I put it in drive and it won't move. It's like somebody has me chained to the fence or like there are big tire chocks behind my tires. The engine roars but I'm barely moving. I could go into the many, many calls to my Honey, his best friend who I call my Spare Husband, Our Mechanic, AAA, Our Customer and the other folks that needed to be contacted but it would make your eyes bleed. I'll just say that I sat there for over 2 hours waiting for the tow truck to come get me and haul my sweet ride to the shop. I thought I could make it because while I was waiting for tow truck dude the car suddenly worked, but then after a few short blocks it literally ground to a hault with burning brake smell and squeeling. UGH. Dude gave me a ride in his freezing cold dirty truck and dropped me and my material off at home on the way to the shop.
Of course we have loaned my Dear Son's truck to my wonderful neice who is visiting from Michigan so the only thing I had to drive was a filthy, muddy service truck that needed diesel and air in the tires that really need to be replaced. NASTY. I think the inside was 10 times dirtier then the outside.
Dear Daughter (DD)to the rescue! She is anti-driving right now and so she offered her car to me. As soon as the sweet grandson woke from his name they drove over and picked me up. After dropping her off I drove to the customers and Sister in loves 45 minutes from home. Hit the bank and Costco and dealt with the tax advisor and the guy making some shirts for us while I was driving. I was told to spend some money and I LOVE spending money!!
By the time I dropped off DD's Costco needs and then dropped of a huge crate of oranges from SIL at a friends house and came home I was done. It's now nearly 6 pm! I am SO not in the mood to clean. Dear Son came home for his requested 2 days off for a trip and we went to dinner. We came home and the dog had marked on the ladder I had put in the nice freshly cleaned dining room. I like the dog but I seriously considered killing it when I saw it. WTF?!?!!? We've had the ladder longer then him, it's been in the house a million times and it's been in this time for atleast 3 days.

How can you dislike a face like this?? Normally he is referred to as Turbo the Wonder Dog or Bubby. Tonight he is "The Dog". That's all I'm sayin!
I need to go shop for office supplies and Honey is taking the "Spend Money" advice from the Tax Guy to heart and is trying to buy a new company vehicle in the next 24 hours. He also had me order a new office computer which we desperately need. Ours was bought used in 2001!
Big Sigh.... tomorrow is another day. I'll head to office depot in my little tiny borrowed Toyota and fill it with cases of paper, storage boxes and file folders for the new year. Hopefully my outing will NOT include driving to a car dealership and handling paperwork on a new service truck. That is SO not on my schedule of things to do! When I get home I'll dive into the new spot in the dining room, finish the living room and maybe do the office and master bedroom rugs. The floor can just wait. Hmmmm, maybe I'll have the heavy cases of paper delivered. That's a GREAT idea!!! :-)
If you are nice, maybe Mark will let you use his truck instead of my car...
... IF you are nice. :)
What are you doing up this late little missie!? Hmmm, the truck would be nice..... Nancy also volunteered her Tahoe. Call me in the morning and I'll let you know what I'm going to do. Love you!
Seems like you had "One of those days". Hahaha. How nice it must feel to be blessed with a possible contender for worst day ever within days of the new year!
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