Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Decade. A New Year. A New Blog...

Can you belive it's not just a new year but a new decade? Where were you when all the Y2K stuff was going on? Me? I was gong through a divorce and working constantly in order to bury all of the the horrible emotions I had. If I worked enough I didn't have to think abaout what was going on in my life. Sadly I also buried myself from realizing my life was falling apart and my kids were suffering. Oh to go back those 10 years even if it was only to make sure that I worked harder at helping my kiddos get through the rough time as their parents ended their marriage.

I'm thrilled that I have not only repaired the relationships with my children and my in-law family but have been wonderfully in love with my best friend for 9 years. This last decade has been life changing and wonderful in so many ways.

So in celebration of the New Year I've decided to also start a "New" blog. While it's not officially "New" since I don't have THAT much energy, it's going to be New in the sense that I'm actually going to post. Yes, the whole posting to the blog is New for sure! Before I logged on tonight I had decided that I would try to post photos once a month as well as a short update each week.

Tonight while browsing a few blogs I read on occassion I stumbled on Lorie's blog and loved her idea of setting goals each month instead of a bunch of "Resolutions" that go by the way side before the year is even close to being over. I will share them with you each month and hopefully you will hold me accountable in some way.

So, my goals for January are: Posting to my blog at least once a month but hopefully once a week. Following the monthly goals set by FLYLADY and sticking with them. Walking or exercising for 30 minutes each day for 30 days. January's FLYLADY goal is Shining my sink each night. This is simply making sure that all the dishes are done and the kitchen counter is clean and shiny for the next day. Simple yet effective for starting the day right.

What are your goals for January or for 2010? I hope you succeed in them. Until next time I hope you all have a wonderful January and an amazing 2010!

"We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs tons." ...Jim Rohn